
La Empresa

It is interesing how hard it is for people to merely smile instead of carelessly screaming some irrelevant fact to a crowded room with 25 people with their own big mouths with high pitch voices, because they still are in puberty and anger gets the best of them and their "composed, serious, laid-back" vocal chords, who do not care themselves to listen. A funnier fact is that those same people rather hear some sarcastic, indirect offense to which everyone is easily related to, because they already know the consequences and they probably feel themselves that they are as smart to go around speaking in such ways. Pain is all too familiar and hate is the easy way to deal with it.

Nobody really knows anyone anymore because everyone is too focused on ignoring their humanity, the core of their spirit. You can't pay attention to any other person that way, because you don't have that contact with your closest person: yourself. It is probably difficult to do this also if you spend too much time going in circles.

All I'm saying is the world could do much better if its roots grew deeper than its rotten weak branches with half-dead twicks strech into the sky.
Try smiling and nothing more with your mouth.

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